WWE officials are thinking to resign Jeff Hardy?

Jeff Hardy

It’s been a hot rumor from sometimes around that WWE officials are thinking to sign few big names who have worked with company before. The latest name that is in talks for such a return is one other than the ‘charismatic enigma’ Jeff Hardy.

Some trusted sources like Wrestling Observer Newsletter and Wrestlinginc.com are reporting that there have been ‘lots Hardy mentions backstage lately.

Not only backstage but also commentators and stars mentioned Hardy’s names. It’s been a common belief among fans that talking about other companies and wrestlers other then WWE wrestlers is prohibited by higher authorities.

Jeff Hardy’s current situation with TNA is also a big reason for this news. TNA has done a lots of budget cuts in the last few months. They have released most of the superstars who were paid heavily. It’s a common belief that currently Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle are the top paid superstars in the TNA roster. Kurt has already said that he will take some time off from wrestling after TNA

But due to their situations with the TV deal, it’s highly suspicious that TNA will be able to pay the same to hardy after a few months. Unlike 2000 or 2005 WWE has also changed their policies. They have signed some already famous Indy wrestlers and some former TNA talents like Samoa Joe as well.

For all these reasons the rumor of Jeff being signed back by WWE are getting hotter on internet day by day. Hardy was released from WWE back in 2009 where Cm Punk defeated him in a Title vs. Career Match.

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